code word
N-COUNT (事先约定的)代号,暗号
A code word is a word or phrase that has a special meaning, different from its normal meaning, for the people who have agreed to use it in this way....magnum, the code word for launching a radar attack.
N-COUNT (尤指公众人物为避免某个词汇而使用的)代名词
A code word is a word or phrase that someone, especially a public figure, uses in order to avoid saying something else.I think nationalism is just a code word for racism...
我认为民族主义不过是种族主义的代名词 。
The biggest characteristic of Golomb code is to choose the length to variable-length coding method , which can reduce code word length of growth rate .
This paper analyzes the limitation of this arithmetic and proposes a common rapid arithmetic used to get the optimal allocation code word .
' Tired and emotional ' is a code word for being drunk .
Children can then use the code word in different situations .
The code word can also be helpful in this situation .
It 's no good . I don 't know the code word .
" Visitor " is a code word used within the cell .
Having a code word is useful for a variety of situations .
What is the code word for fire ?
Tell me , do you still have top secret code word clearance ?
And who shall respond to this code word ?
He gave me a code word .
The " big push " for rapid industrialization was the code word for development and growth .
Problems arise from a perspective that " potential " is a taboo or code word for failure .
This paper mainly focuses on the research and improvement of the fast code word search algorithm , speech enhancement and voice activity detector key technologies .
A Kind of Two-dimension Code word Structure of OCDMA System and Fiber Bragg Grating En - / De-coder
Please fill out this lost passbook affidavit and list the code word you used when you opened your account .
We utilize GAs to search stimulative code word in CELP when we have had the knowledge of speech signal coding and GAs .
First , Synonymy Thesaurus is used to code word senses and the codes are then used for representing semantic collocations .
With your children , make up a family code word that is neither too common nor so bizarre that it would be hard to use naturally .
The crucial sentence was the mutual opposition to " hegemony " , the code word for the threat of the Soviet Union .
It 's a code word we use to positively identify you in case you lose your passbook or there is some other need for positive identification .
The algorithm for characteristic code word section added list item by the levels , and algorithm for adding , deletes and renaming of a list item was presented .
The code word of variable length code comprises of prefix and suffix . No code word is a prefix of any other code word in the set .
Make a deal that if one of you says your secret defusing code word , you 'll both stop arguing , hug , and find a solution . Chiminychonga !
Single turn encoders resolve one rotation ( 360 degrees mechanical ) into a specific number of steps , e.g.8192 . A unique code word is assigned to each position .
Even though the videotaped incident in which Los Angeles Police Department officers beat King occurred in1991 , his name is still a code word for police misconduct .
Chapter operations to write a program , the input image Huffman , display the original image entropy encoded average code word length , and be able to reconstruct the image according to encoding .
Propose a hiding method base on bit-stream , this method insert data by swapping two VLC codes which with the same size of code word and the same size of single bit .
For example , if you 've sent someone to pick up your child - they should be aware of what the code word is so they 'll know not to leave with anyone else .